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Facebook Costme

While everyone is still mourning Halloween and getting ready for the excitement that is Red Cups and Gingerbread Lattes at Starbucks... I would like to present my brothers Halloween Costume. 

I say my 'brothers' costume, although if we're being truthful I did make it all. However I was no where near brave enough to wear it on Halloween so I made it for my 14 year old brother Jake who is awesome and confident and cool enough to pull it off. 

If you haven't already guessed, he's dressed up as a Facebook page. The idea came to me because I was thinking how awesome it would be if every blogger dressed up as their blog for Halloween (it would also work well with Twitter) but for this year I decided to give Facebook a try. 

It wasn't too hard, I painted a big piece of card white and then cut a hole in the side for the profile picture. We decided to use an older Facebook layout because the new one is a lot less iconic and once I had done the standard status, logo and name I added some funny wall posts and likes. 

It actually worked a lot better than I thought it would. Even though it's a bit messy and my handwriting isn't perfect you can totally tell it's a Facebook page and Jake looked awesome in it. 

If you made your own Halloween costume please send me a picture because I am having serious Halloween withdrawal symptoms. 

Hope everyone is having a good week,
Love Scarlett. 

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