
April Photo-A-Day Sunday Update

I'm so proud to say that I have kept up with the April Photo-a-day challenge so far and done it every single day! Here are my photos from this week, to find out more about the photo-a-day challenge click here. 

1. Your Reflection - I'm proud to say I have worn these bunny ears every single day of the holidays so far! Pretty impressive huh? 

2. Colour - I have also worn these wellies every single day. 

3. Mail. 

4. Someone who makes you happy - I had never watched The Mary Tyler Moore Show before this week and I have watched a whole series in one week! I'm so obsessed I'm considering just hibernating and never watching anything ever again, except maybe Greys Anatomy.

5. Tiny - This bunny lives in my knitting bag, no one knows how he got there. 

6. Lunch - This is actually pudding and it's chocolate orange mousse which (drumroll please) I invented my own recipe for!! I will be posting some time soon. 

7. Shadow - You can just see the ears poking out the top!

8. Inside your wallet - This little bunny lives in my wallet. We think he's a distant relation of the knitting bag bunny, but we're not really sure. 


  1. Great photos! I like the bunny ears and the shadow photo best, I think.

  2. I actually love the tiny bunny idea, I might make some just to put around my room and in my purse!
