
Let March Photo-a-Day Begin

I had so much fun doing the February Photo-a-Day Challenge last month and even though I wasn't entirely consistent I vow to do better on the March one! Photo-a-Day was created by the amazing Fat Mum Slim and it's been so fun thinking of what to do every day and looking at everyone else's snaps. If you want to do it just go over to her blog and start tweeting and instagramming your photos!

Here is the list of the March Photo-a-Days! Leave a comment if you're taking part as well :)

Love Scarly xx


  1. I'm joining in this month! After seeing this project in more than one place, and checking out her blog, I am super excited to do this month's project! A couple years ago I did a photo every day, and that was a really big challenge... This idea of only doing it for the months that I want to seems a lot more accessible!

  2. I love your blog and can't get enough of it, and am now addicted to 'FatMumSlim's blog aswell! I've decided to join in the PhotoADay challenge on my blog (though it's not nearly as good as anyone elses!) and had to cheat a bit to catch up on the first week. Going to start doing it properly now though, and I'm excited! if anyone wants to see :)
