
The Week in Photos

If I'd thought I'd been busy with Knit Relief before and during it, it was nothing compared to how crazy it's been this week. I must have sent about 1000 emails all in one week and I must say my eyes are looking a bit square! Despite the work, it was such an amazing thing to have happened and I don't think I will ever stop thanking everyone involved! I haven't really been tweeting or blogging at all this week (which I'm pretty sure no one cares about) but I thought I would share a few photos of the things I have been up to. 

This is Posy all dressed up in her Deely Boppers on the night of Sport Relief. As I'm sure you can imagine she wasn't too pleased, but a dog's gotta suffer to be beautiful!

I will admit right now I have so far spent a lot more time on these boxes than I have on actual revision...

This is a picture of a tree near our house, although I usually hate sunny weather it has been to lovely to ignore this week. 

I made this owl from a kit I bought at an amazing new pop-up shop called My Pop Up Design Shop. I will be doing a whole blog on them coming up but this owl was too cute to ignore. It's made by sewing old bits of knitting together and I think I'm going to try to make a few on my own with some jumpers... 

My brother has been stealing the spotlight away from me and my baking by making these SCRUMMY Humingbird cupcakes. He's very cute and a very good bake, and even though he's given up chocolate for Lent apparently cocoa powder doesn't count...

I also made these tiny cupcakes on the weekend for a friend. I even made the little blue flowers which I was pretty proud of!

@JennyJHoward sent me this amazing badge to say thanks for Knit Relief! I haven't stopped wearing it!

And I made this District 12 badge for when I went to see... THE HUNGER GAMES. (which I'm still not ready to talk about)

Okay I know I know I know I KNOW! I forgot to do March Photo-A-Day. But I 100%, cross my heart swear to die stick a needle through my eye promise I'm going to do the April one. It looks very good!

I hope everyone who's on Easter break is having a great time and if you're not then I hope you're just having a great time anyways. I'm going to the country this evening so expect lots of baking and pebble painting coming up soon.

Love Scarlett 


Lego Mini-Figure Cake

It's no secret that I love lego. Like seriously, I LOVE lego. Believe it or not my love of lego was actually what led to my love of craft. I guess if I hadn't discovered craft this blog would be called 'Teen Toddler' instead of 'Teen Granny.' 

Anyway, back to the point, a few weeks ago a friend of my mums asked me if I would make a birthday cake for her sons party and suggested I make one in the shape of a lego mini-figure as he loves lego (I mean come on, who doesn't). Well, I love a good challenge so of course I said yes and two days before it was due I got to work. There were SO MANY stages in the making of this cake so I'm going to take you through them one by one because I think you would like that, if you aren't interested you can just look at the pictures! 

Baking the Cake: They wanted the cake inside to be chocolate which I knew was going to be tricky because all the best chocolate cakes are very moist but when your making a shaped cake you need the cake to be fairly tough to support all the icing. After much deliberation my Mum suggested I try a chocolate pound cake so I found this recipe online. I was expecting the cake to be fairly dry and not very nice but in fact it was amazing! Seriously tasty and moist but still strong enough to hold the many layers of icing. 

Shaping the Cake: This bit was tricky to say the least! I decided that when it comes to baking you can't be to much of a perfectionist so I very geekily measured all the different parts of the Lego mini figure and then made big paper templates with the same ratio. It probably didn't make too much difference but it made me feel more secure when I cut out all the pieces. 

Icing the Cake: As you can see from the picture I iced seven separate pieces of the cake. The head, the body, the arms, the waist and both the legs. I bought all the icing pre-died from the Jane Asher cook shop (which is uh-mazing) and this made it much easier as I hate dying icing. The hands I made by just rolling the yellow icing into tubes and bending them to make them look like hands. Then I drew the face on with black cake pen. 

Chocolate Lego Bricks: This bit was one of my favourite bits of the whole cake. I ordered a lego ice cube mould from ebay which I knew would work for chocolate as well and then simply filled it up with green candy melts. It was so easy and so effective and added a really nice finishing touch. 

I hope you like my cake, if you have any more questions about how I made it please just leave a comment and have a lovely Tuesday.

Love Scarlett 


Knit Relief Total

Hello, As I'm sure you've already realised the amazing thing that was Knit Relief ended at 7pm last night. The ending was one of the best parts of the whole thing as everyone was tweeting and watching the items end on eBay. Doing Knit Relief has honestly been one of the best things I've ever done. Feeling all that support and generosity from people I've never even met really makes you believe that there are kind and lovely people in this world. 

But now... for the moment we have all been waiting for, the total amount of money raised by the Knit Relief auction for Sport Relief is....



Not in my WILDEST DREAMS did I ever think we would raise that much and I'm so happy I'm doing a little dance as I write this! 

It's all going to such an incredible cause and if you missed Sport Relief on Friday please watch this to know just the kind of thing this money is going to be helping. It's very hard to watch and I must admit I cried a lot on the night but the only thing we can do is try to help and I really feel that's what we've been doing with Knit Relief. 

So, if you entered something into the auction, bid on something in the auction, or even just helped to spread the word THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!

Lots of very happy love


VERY Exciting Knit Relief News...

Hello, Okay... this is pretty exciting. Like more exciting than the fact that I'm going to see the Hunger Games tonight levels of exciting...

Tomorrow morning (Sunday 25th of March) Channel 4 are launching their new show Sunday Brunch. It's going to be a brilliant show with hosts Tim Lovejoy and Simon Rimmer from 10am-12pm. Although this news would be exciting in itself the REALLY exciting news is that Knit Relief is going to be featured on the TV show ON THE TV!!!!

Can you believe it? Because I still can't. I've sent over a few different Knit Relief items which they will hopefully be putting on the show and fingers crossed it all goes well! I have no idea what they are going to talk about but it's so exciting I can't stop smiling!

So remember to watch SUNDAY BRUNCH ON CHANNEL 4 AT 10AM and remember to keep bidding on Knit Relief as there is only one day left!

Lots of Love and excitement,
Scarly x

D.I.Y. Instagram Photo Frames

Hello :) I hope you are all having the loveliest of sunny Saturdays and making the most of the weather. I generally hate hot weather as knitwear is a staple part of my wardrobe but I think I can forgive it today. 

I made this D.I.Y for Hello Giggles this week and it's so much fun I thought I would share it on here. To find out how to make these awesome photo frames just CLICK HERE.

Happy Saturday.

Love Scarlett x


D.I.Y. Sport Relief Millionaire's Shortbread

As I'm SURE you already know tonight is the night of the wonderful Sport Relief TV show! But don't worry if you haven't bid on Knit Relief yet as Knit Relief does not close until Sunday. Sport Relief is one of my favourite nights of the year and I'm already excited about the TV fest that is to come. To celebrate Sport Relief and try to raise a bit more money I came up with this really easy recipe for red millionaire's shortbread that you can bake to sell to your friends and to enjoy during the show!

I baked a tray the other night and have put it in my hallway charging 50p a square to try and raise a bit more money. If you're wondering what that AMAZING red colour on top of the shortbread is, it's made from something called Candy Melts. Candy Melts are basically vanilla flavoured colourful buttons that you can melt down and use in baking. I'm obsessed with them and have been using them a lot recently and they worked perfectly for this recipe! If you decide to make some please leave a comment and remember to watch Sport Relief tonight on BBC1!

-       250g shortbread biscuits
-       100g melted butter
-       150g butter
-       150g dark brown soft sugar
-       1 can of Condensed Milk (397g)
-       300g Red Candy Melts (available online and from any baking or craft supplies shop)

STEP ONE: Put the shortbread into a plastic bag and crush using a rolling pin, alternatively you can put them all in the blender, which will crush them as well. Make sure they are 100% crushed.

STEP TWO:  Mix the crushed biscuits and the melted butter in large bowl and then transfer to a baking paper lined baking tray. Make sure your tray is 100% lined, as the finished product is very sticky.

STEP THREE: Chill in the fridge for half an hour or more.

STEP FOUR: Heat the sugar and remaining butter in a non-stick pan stirring gently until melted together. Add the condensed milk and bring to a rapid boil stirring continuously. Once boiling cook for a minute or until the filling has slightly thickened.

STEP FIVEPour caramel over the base, once it has cooked chill in the fridge for half an hour or more.

STEP SIX: Once the caramel has set melt the candy melts in a bowl over a pan of boiling water.

STEP SEVEN:  Pour melted candy melts over the caramel and tilt your baking tray until they have covered the entire top surface.

STEP EIGHTWait for them to cool and then chill in the fridge until hard.

STEP NINE: Remove from fridge and then lift out of the baking tray. Using a hot knife cut your shortbread into squares.

STEP TENSell your shortbread for 50p a square to help raise money for Sport Relief!


Click on This List

1. This Moschino Dress

2. These Beatles themed Hello Giggles Nails of the Dayj

5. These two Hunger Games themed pictures and THE FACT THAT I JUST BOOKED MY TICKET! 

7. This Picture.

8. This Picture.

9. The best moment of my internetting life... ever... ever...

Happy Wednesday 
Love Scarlett 


Tuesday Knit Relief Items of the Day

Today's gorgeous items of the day are all in the theme of SEWING! I love sewing and thought I was okay at it until I saw all the incredible things people have been sewing for Knit Relief. Just click on the picture of what you like and please keep bidding! CLICK HERE FOR THE KNIT RELIEF AUCTION!

This weekend Knit Relief went over £1000 which made me so happy I had to do a little 'Knit Relief made over £1000 dance'! For everyone who has bid/made something thank you so much! We are doing something so good for such an incredible cause. 

Happy Tuesday,